Urbanistica Podcast - Cities for People
A podcast by Mustafa Sherif
498 Episodes
17.EN Coronavirus. Keep the interaction - Andrew Hennigan
Published: 29/03/2020 -
16.EN Coronavirus. How will cities survive? - Stefan Hyttfors
Published: 28/03/2020 -
15.SV Folkhälsa i den täta staden - Lise Strand Hellström
Published: 27/03/2020 -
14.SV WWF Världsnaturfonden One Planet City Challenge - Sofia Widforss Poignant
Published: 27/03/2020 -
13.EN Public Space Making from Planning to Management - Alexander Ståhle
Published: 26/03/2020 -
12.EN What makes a successful public space - Nidhi Gulati
Published: 25/03/2020 -
11.SV Sveriges Arkitekter Hållbarhetsrådet och LArchitects Declare - Anders Mårsén
Published: 11/03/2020 -
10.EN ArkDes Think Tank - Linda Kummel
Published: 04/03/2020 -
9.SV Projekt Slussen - Eva Rosman
Published: 26/02/2020 -
8.SV Hackathon för en smartare stad - Ann Molin och Carolina Emanuelson
Published: 19/02/2020 -
7.SV Barn- och ungdomskonvention - Åsa Lindgren
Published: 12/02/2020 -
6.EN Coworking spaces and communities - David Knutsson
Published: 05/02/2020 -
5.EN Placemaking - Elise Perrault
Published: 29/01/2020 -
4.EN Pixlapiren - Alfred Nerhagen and Christina Wideland
Published: 22/01/2020 -
3.SV Köpcentrum vill vara staden, staden vill vara Köpcentrum - Niklas Blonér
Published: 15/01/2020 -
2. EN. Smart City Helsingborg H22 - Micco Grönholm
Published: 08/01/2020 -
1. SV. Barns plats i staden - Anna Squassina
Published: 01/01/2020 -
Stories about cities for people & people
Published: 31/12/2019
A podcast about how we plan and design cities for people. Tune in and join listeners from 140 countries. I am Mustafa Sherif, an Urbanist and Studio Manager based in Sweden. In this podcast, I talk to people working in urban planning and design about projects, processes, methods, handbooks, challenges, leadership, and their passions in life. It's not only about the projects but also about the people behind them. In collaboration with AFRY (Urban Planning and Design Section in Stockholm)