A podcast by Oyoun

23 Episodes
UN:IMAGINABLE | Talk: Urgency of Remembrance
Published: 06/03/2023 -
Becoming Alman mit jô osbórnia
Published: 27/09/2022 -
Becoming Alman mit Elif Çelik
Published: 23/09/2022 -
Becoming Alman Lora Krasteva
Published: 19/07/2022 -
Four studies of Cocoon I Golnar Tabibzadeh
Published: 19/01/2022 -
Tracing emotions: on stillness, meditation and letting thoughts wander. A talk with Asmaa Sbou
Published: 03/05/2021 -
All that you touch you change, all that you change changes you with Suelen Calonga I Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease)
Published: 09/04/2021 -
Pushing paper, pushing spirit with Sailesh Nadu I Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease)
Published: 30/03/2021 -
From North America to Africa: on relocating, schizophrenic arts, bones and anthropology. A talk with Yasmina Alaoui
Published: 23/03/2021 -
Sent here to be sentient with Indrani Ashe I Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease)
Published: 16/03/2021 -
On creativity, authenticity and speaking honestly with oneself: A talk with Natalie Greffel
Published: 15/03/2021 -
Liberation and the universal cry, sis with Yin Cheng-Kokkot I Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease)
Published: 09/03/2021 -
Biografien der Liebe: Biografien, das Leben mit zwei Heimaten und das co-existierende “Selbst”. Ein Gespräch mit Lorena Valdenegro
Published: 03/03/2021 -
We compose ourselves with KooCha I Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease)
Published: 01/03/2021 -
Reverse to oneself: On meditation, connection to the self and healing. A Talk with Nane Kahle
Published: 24/02/2021 -
Politics of Game/Game of Politics: on podcasts, video games and politics, and community. A talk with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley
Published: 15/02/2021 -
(Self) Care Wor(l)d: on global inequalities and the public impact of art. A talk with Alexey Kochetkov
Published: 27/01/2021 -
Trapped in the matrix: on faking success, representation and social media. A talk with Astan Meyer & Camille Schaeffer
Published: 21/01/2021 -
Exiled in your own country: on mental health, society and hair. A talk with WAF
Published: 11/01/2021 -
Critical fabulations with Kopano Maroga | Ancestral Body Noise
Published: 14/12/2020
OyoUniverse brings sonic explorations of orbits from within and aroundOyoun BerlinStandort: Lucy-Lameck Str. 32, 12049 BerlinTel +49.30.6805.0860www.oyoun.deKultur NeuDenken gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)Geschäftsführung: Louna SbouAG Berlin Charlottenburg HRB 213866 BFür den Inhalt verantwortlich gemäß § 5 TMG / § 55 RStV:Louna SbouHaftungshinweis:Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber*innen verantwortlich.CopyrightAlle Rechte, insbesondere das Recht auf Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung sowie Übersetzung vorbehalten. Keine der Abbildungen darf ohne Genehmigung des/der jeweiligen Künstlers/in reproduziert oder unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme verarbeitet, vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden.Datenschutz:https://oyoun.de/datenschutz/Impressum:https://oyoun.de/impressum/