Liberation and the universal cry, sis with Yin Cheng-Kokkot I Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease)
OyoUniverse - A podcast by Oyoun

We introduce to you the second Season of the Ancestral Body Noise Podcast Series on the OyoUniverse Podcast. Our second episode features self proclaimed pleasure activist and multi-disciplinary somatic practitioner, Yin Cheng Kokott. We go on a deep journey exploring voice and the ancestral symbolism at play as she re-discovers her relationship with voice and voicelessness. Yin shares a tender process and reflection calling her late grandma to her Ancestral Body Noise journey, along with all the sounds she has inherited from her.Explore more of Yin’s work on Yin’s website: part of the Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease) residency, our podcast series seeks to connect with the participants as they share parts of their process leading up to the residency, as well as experiences of the residency. Artwork by @blk.banaana Podcast edited: Dylan Greene#OyoUniverse #Podcast #ancestralbodynoise #art #sounds