62 - 'Behind The Business' of Wellsome

The Well Woman Podcast - A podcast by Jema Lee

Last week I held a very impromtu live Zoom chat with women from all over the world who gathered with me for over 2 hours to hear about how my business Wellsome was born and how it's got to where it is today. In this episode join me as I share in-depth insights into what business looks like behind the scenes. Mistakes, mishaps, greatest lessons and somethings I wish I had of done sooner. After receiving your feedback I thought it would be worth while sharing a few of the favourite highlight snippets with you from our 2 hours together In this episode: * How Wellsome began * My 3 businesses before Wellsome was created * My greatest lesson's in business that I wish someone had of taught me sooner * Where the name 'Wellsome' came from * What I wish I had of known before I started * My secret to marketing * A few important questions to ask yourself before starting out Visit www.wellsome.com for more Well Woman updates, menstrual health guides, free resources and more. Got a question from today's show? Email us at [email protected] or post and share over on IG at www.instagram.com/wellsome_jemalee/, #WellWomanPodcast

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