55 - Living in Flow Through Uncertainty with Emily Gallagher

The Well Woman Podcast - A podcast by Jema Lee

We're currently experiencing what may very well be the most uncertain times of our lives. With many countries around the globe already in lockdown, humans are facing all different types of turbulence which is having a ripple effect through our mental, emotion and physical wellbeing. Are you feeling it too? However what if it's possible that during these very turbulent times we could flow with peace? In this episode we're joined by thought leader, conscious awakener Emily Gallagher from www.consciousboss.com . Emily shares with us how right now we're presented with an opportunity to rebalance our resilience and build our self worth. In this episode: * How exercise obsession and binge eating effects your menstrual cycle * Become more connected with your menstrual cycle * Avoiding burn out by living in flow * Letting go of your addiction to certainty * Softening into life, navigating through uncertain times with ease * Embodiment, why it's instrumental to happiness * The power of relationships right now * How to build up your self worth Visit www.wellsome.com for more Well Woman updates, menstrual health guides, free resources and more. Got a question from today's show? Email us at [email protected] or post and share over on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wellsome_jemalee/, #WellWomanPodcast

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