Self-harm is not about what you think

The outside world is wildly mistaken about self-harm - and those who engage in it. Contrary to popular belief it isn't a cry for attention or something only the severely depressed do. In this video I'm debunking the misconceptions associated with self-harm. I also share why this act is usually shrouded in secrecy, shame, and embarrassment, and why it's challenging for individuals to seek help or openly discuss their experiences. Get my book: For When Everything is Burning Connect with me on TikTok: See it on YouTube Here's what's inside: 00:00 People who self-harm do not do so for attention-seeking purposes. Self-harm is one of the most stigmatized and misunderstood mental health symptoms. It is rarely for attention-seeking but primarily for emotion regulation. 03:29 Self-harm behaviors are expressions of overwhelming emotional distress and a lack of support or coping tools. It's similar to other emotion regulation behaviors like excessive alcohol consumption or impulsive behaviors. People seek a way out from intense unhappiness. 10:10 There are alternative ways to manage emotional distress without resorting to self-harm. One approach is to use intense sensory experiences to trigger the brain's pain response without causing harm. For example, you can use extreme flavors like spicy or sour foods to divert your focus from emotional pain. Additionally, using temperature extremes, such as holding something warm or cold, can simulate the physical sensation without causing long-term harm. --- Support this podcast:

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There are people who understand depression and anxiety on a personal level and there are people who understand depression and anxiety on a medical level. There are relatively few people who understand both, and I’m one of them. As a clinical psychologist I have a doctorate degree and thousands of hours of professional experience providing treatment for mood and anxiety disorders. I also have 39 years of personal experience managing mood and anxiety disorders as I myself deal with these struggles. This podcast is my attempt to synthesize my personal knowledge with my professional knowledge. Support this podcast: