S04 E23: In Loneliness
Dare to Dwell: A Podcast with the Daughters of St. Paul - A podcast by The Daughters of St. Paul
In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta are joined by Sr. Mary Leonora in a conversation about how the Lord never leaves us alone. Join them as they share their reflections on John 8:29, in which Jesus expresses his trust in the Father, that he is never left alone, and how we can come to believe this even in the dark moments of our lives. Share your own reflections with us and keep the conversation going! Instagram (https://bit.ly/FSPInsta) and Twitter (https://bit.ly/FSPTwitter) RESOURCES:Today’s Verse: John 8:20 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john+8%3A29&version=NABRE) Quote from St. Edith Stein:* But because being one with Christ is our sanctity, and progressively becoming one with him our happiness on earth, the love of the cross in no way contradicts being a joyful child of God. Helping Christ carry his cross fills one with a strong and pure joy, and those who may and can do so, the builders of God's kingdom, are the most authentic children of God. And so those who have a predilection for the way of the cross by no means deny that Good Friday is past and that the work of salvation has been accomplished. Only those who are saved, only children of grace, can in fact be bearers of Christ's cross. Only in union with the divine Head does human suffering take on expiatory power. To suffer and to be happy although suffering, to have one's feet on the earth, to walk on the dirty and rough paths of this earth and yet to be enthroned with Christ at the Father's right hand, to laugh and cry with the children of this world and ceaselessly sing the praises of God with the choirs of angels—this is the life of the Christian until the morning of eternity breaks forth. "Love of the Cross: Some Thoughts for the Feast of Saint John of the Cross," The Hidden Life, 91-93 STAY IN TOUCH WITH US!Twitter: @DaughterStPaul (https://bit.ly/FSPTwitter) and @PBMPublishing (https://bit.ly/PBMPubTwitter)Instagram: @DaughterStPaul (https://bit.ly/FSPInsta) and @PaulineBooksAndMedia (https://bit.ly/PBMInsta)YouTube.com/daughterstpaul (https://bit.ly/FSPYouTube) Sr. Orianne Pietra René – Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/orianne_jn/)Sr. Julie Marie Benedicta –