Dare to Dwell: A Podcast with the Daughters of St. Paul
A podcast by The Daughters of St. Paul

62 Episodes
Bonus Episode: Using Media to Witness to Christ with Fr. Cassidy Stinson
Published: 08/10/2024 -
Bonus Episode: Chaplet to the Holy Spirit
Published: 08/07/2024 -
S05 E17: Season Wrap-Up and some Eschatological Musings
Published: 29/11/2023 -
S05 E16: Hearing God’s Voice (A St. Paul appreciation episode with Sr. Bethany)
Published: 08/11/2023 -
S05 E15: Glorifying God in Our Offering
Published: 25/10/2023 -
S05 E14: Discernment: What’s love got to do with it?
Published: 11/10/2023 -
S05 E13: Longing for a Good Father
Published: 27/09/2023 -
S05 E12: Satan hates these three simple steps…
Published: 06/09/2023 -
S05 E11: Diving Into the Whirlpool of Love
Published: 23/08/2023 -
S05 E10: The Holy Spirit Is Our Director (with Sr. Tracey Matthia Dugas)
Published: 09/08/2023 -
S05 E09: Faith, Hope, and Love
Published: 26/07/2023 -
S05 E08: For A Purpose
Published: 12/07/2023 -
S05 E07: Unwrapping the Gifts
Published: 28/06/2023 -
S05 E06: Christ In Me (with Sr. Margaret Edward Moran)
Published: 14/06/2023 -
S05 E05: A Greater Joy
Published: 31/05/2023 -
S05 E04: Trusting the Holy Spirit
Published: 17/05/2023 -
S05 E03: You Masterpiece, You
Published: 03/05/2023 -
S05 E02: You Are Not Alone
Published: 19/04/2023 -
S05 E01: Intro to the Sanctifier and Our Favorite Quotes
Published: 05/04/2023 -
Season 5 Announcement: Dare to Dwell
Published: 22/03/2023
God has dared to dwell in you. Do you dare to dwell in him? What does it mean to abide in Christ? We are Catholic religious sisters gathering around the mics to break open this dare with you. Join us as, together, we explore the radical, intimate, earth shattering invitation of Jesus to each one of us. This season, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Marie Benedicta share about the love of of God poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Episodes published every other Wednesday. Podcast formerly known as The Daughters' Project. The Daughters of St. Paul is a congregation of Catholic women living our vocation to consecrated religious life in service to God's people by preaching the Gospel through all forms of media. Nicknamed The Media Nuns, we hope that we will help you to encounter God's love wherever you happen to live, work, or scroll.