First Jobs, Avoiding Burnout and The Future of Food Heaven with Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones

The Lane 9 Podcast - A podcast by Alexis Fairbanks and Heather Caplan RDN - Thursdays

{This aired under the RD Real Talk podcast brand, before this feed shifted to the Weight Inclusive Podcast.} Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones are two nationally recognized, weight-inclusive registered dietitans and the founders of Food Heaven. On this episode, we chat about podcasting, business and the evolution of their careers as practioners. Wendy and Jessica have been running the Food Heaven Podcast for 7 years and still continue to find new, interesting and inspiring guests to interview. These two multi-passionate BFFs share their tips to running a successful podcast, the importance of diversifying income streams, avoiding burnout and where the future of Food Heaven is headed. Resources we talked about: Food Heaven Podcast: How to Make Money with Your Money  Food Heaven Made Easy  Where to find Wendy and Jess: @foodheaven on IG @foodheavenfam on TikTok  

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