Her Best Self | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast, Disordered Eating, Relapse Prevention, Anorexic, Bulimic, Orthorexia, Body Image, Food Freedom - A podcast by Lindsey Nichol - Certified Health Coach, Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, Food Freedom Coach, Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy Certified


Welcome to the Her Best Self Podcast! My mission is to help YOU find TRUE FREEDOM from food & body, so that you can create your healthiest life full of all the best things. Full of confidence, peace, internal power & purpose.If you are ready to heal from unhealthy patterns leaving you feeling stuck & controlled, and you are absolutely, 100 percent all in to experience your BEST HEALTH, then you are here for a divine reason my sweet friend!Welcome! I'm Lindsey Nichol. Former competitive figure skater & perfectionist turned God-led women's wellness diva, LEO wife, imperfect #boymom & digital CEO.For years of my life, I felt trapped in my body, never feeling good enough, small enough or perfect enough. I lacked self-worth, energy, & confidence. I fell into the trap of society norms & built an identity on false & vain metrics. I valued my number on the scale, my pant size, & my calorie count as a means of how good, perfect, or in control I was. My battle with anorexia left me broken, alone & far from the SELF that I missed so dearly, but didn't know how to get back. With God, support, grace & intuitive coping methods, I healed & rebuilt my life & I want this same story for you my friend! So grab your favorite journal & let's dive right in! xo- lindsey

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