Urbanistica Podcast - Cities for People
A podcast by Mustafa Sherif
501 Episodes
154.EN Light and Darkness - Piippo Kai
Published: 02/12/2020 -
153.SV Akademin för arkitektur - Helena Glantz
Published: 29/11/2020 -
152.EN A student life in Stockholm - Claire Borchers
Published: 29/11/2020 -
151.EN Smart Public spaces - Martin Hadmyr
Published: 24/11/2020 -
150.EN Sustainable Transportation - Kajsa Rosén
Published: 22/11/2020 -
149.SV Barn och ungdomsperspektiv inom utbildningsmiljöer - Åsa Lindgren
Published: 19/11/2020 -
148.EN No Electricity City - Mustafa Sherif
Published: 17/11/2020 -
147.SV Akademin för landskapsarkitektur - Göran Lindberg
Published: 15/11/2020 -
146.EN Innovative City - Lisa Olsson
Published: 13/11/2020 -
145.EN Community Kitchen - Julia Åstrand
Published: 11/11/2020 -
144.EN Tactical Urbanism - Elise Perrault
Published: 08/11/2020 -
143.EN Detailed development plan - Carl-Henrik Barnekow
Published: 04/11/2020 -
142.SV Akademin för inredningsarkitektur - Torsten Hild
Published: 02/11/2020 -
141.SV Landskapsarkitektur för en hälsosam stad - Freija Carlstén
Published: 28/10/2020 -
140.EN Construction industry Impactor- Amanda Borneke
Published: 26/10/2020 -
139.SV Akademin för fysisk planering - Anna Molen
Published: 18/10/2020 -
138.EN Life between Hackathons - Ann Molin
Published: 12/10/2020 -
137.SV Hållbarhetskarriär och komfortzoner - Linda Kjällén
Published: 05/10/2020 -
136.SV - Akademin för kulturmiljö - Martin Rörby
Published: 05/10/2020 -
135.SV Framtidens konsument är en cirkulent - Alexandra Davidsson
Published: 30/09/2020
A podcast about how we plan and design cities for people. Tune in and join listeners from 140 countries. I am Mustafa Sherif, an Urbanist and Studio Manager based in Sweden. In this podcast, I talk to people working in urban planning and design about projects, processes, methods, handbooks, challenges, leadership, and their passions in life. It's not only about the projects but also about the people behind them. In collaboration with AFRY (Urban Planning and Design Section in Stockholm)