Type Theory Forall
A podcast by Pedro Abreu

47 Episodes
#46 Realizability, BHK, CPS Translation, Dialectica - Pierre-Marie Pédrot
Published: 29/11/2024 -
#45 What is Type Theory and What Properties we Should Care About - Pierre-Marie Pédrot
Published: 24/11/2024 -
#44 Theorem Prover Foundations, Lean4Lean, Metamath - Mario Carneiro
Published: 06/11/2024 -
#43 PL in the Industry and Summer Schools - Patrick and Eric
Published: 13/09/2024 -
#42 Distributed Systems, Microservices, and Choreographies - Fabrizio Montesi
Published: 29/08/2024 -
#41 The Value of PL (and) Education - Satnam Singh
Published: 15/08/2024 -
#40 Secure Voting - Joe Kiniry
Published: 15/07/2024 -
#39 Equality, Quotation, Bidirectional Type Checking - David Christiansen
Published: 13/06/2024 -
#38 Haskell, Lean, Idris, and the Art of Writing - David Christiansen
Published: 16/05/2024 -
#37 Compilers, Staging, Futamura Projections - Guannan Wei
Published: 11/03/2024 -
#36 Behind the Person Behind this Podcast - Pedro Abreu
Published: 26/12/2023 -
#35 Teika, Self-Education and F***ing Floating Points - Eduardo Rafael
Published: 04/12/2023 -
#34 Foundations of Theorem Provers and Cedille2 - Andrew Marmaduke
Published: 16/10/2023 -
#33 Z3 and Lean, the Spiritual Journey - Leo de Moura
Published: 09/09/2023 -
#32 TyDe Systems - Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
Published: 22/07/2023 -
#31 Discussing Problems in PL and Academia - Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
Published: 13/07/2023 -
#30 Actors, GADTs and Burnout - Dan and Pedro
Published: 30/05/2023 -
#29 Can PL theory make you a better software engineer? - Jimmy Koppel
Published: 09/04/2023 -
#28 Formally Verifying Smart Contracts - Pruvendo
Published: 15/02/2023 -
#27 Formalizing an OS: The seL4 - Gerwin Klein
Published: 04/02/2023
An accessible podcast about Type Theory, Programming Languages Research and related topics.