Truth Unites

A podcast by Gavin Ortlund


256 Episodes

  1. The BEST and WORST Responses to my Icons Video

    Published: 18/02/2023
  2. Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Warfare (with Sam Storms)

    Published: 25/01/2023
  3. The Puritans: 5 Books to Start With

    Published: 25/01/2023
  4. The Church Fathers: 5 Books to Start With

    Published: 25/01/2023
  5. Icon Veneration in the Early Church? Response to Craig Truglia

    Published: 25/01/2023
  6. Response to Horn and Akin on Icons

    Published: 25/01/2023
  7. Dissecting Arguments for God (with Lukas Ruegger)

    Published: 09/01/2023
  8. Icon Veneration is CLEARLY an Accretion!

    Published: 09/01/2023
  9. A MAJOR Problem With "Doctrinal Development"

    Published: 20/12/2022
  10. Lessons From Tim Keller's Ministry with Collin Hansen

    Published: 20/12/2022
  11. Are Protestants Like Skeptics? A Response to Michael Lofton

    Published: 20/12/2022
  12. What is Protestantism? With Dr. Jordan Cooper

    Published: 14/12/2022
  13. Engaging Suan Sonna's Typological Argument for the Papacy

    Published: 09/12/2022
  14. Response to Jimmy Akin on Typology

    Published: 08/12/2022
  15. How to KNOW You're in the Right Church

    Published: 08/12/2022
  16. Can Typology Establish Doctrine?

    Published: 29/11/2022
  17. Cameron Bertuzzi's Conversion to Rome: Protestant Response

    Published: 21/11/2022
  18. Anselm on Friendship: What the Modern World is Missing

    Published: 06/11/2022
  19. Should Evangelicalism Be Deconstructed?

    Published: 06/11/2022
  20. Protestant vs. Orthodox Dialogue: Gavin Ortlund and Craig Truglia

    Published: 27/10/2022

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Truth Unites promotes gospel assurance through theological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as President of Truth Unites and Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Church. Support:

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