This Can't Be That Hard

A podcast by Annemie Tonken - Tuesdays



305 Episodes

  1. EP 145: Work-Life Balance is a Work in Progress

    Published: 08/02/2022
  2. EP 144: Three Ways To Make A Living as a Photographer

    Published: 01/02/2022
  3. EP 143: Possum Clients with Aisling O'Brien

    Published: 25/01/2022
  4. EP 142: Waking Up Your Website with Carolina Guzik

    Published: 18/01/2022
  5. EP 141: Setting your Salary as a Solopreneur

    Published: 11/01/2022
  6. EP 140: Best Of The Podcast In 2021, Part 2

    Published: 04/01/2022
  7. EP 139: Best Of The Podcast In 2021, Part 1

    Published: 28/12/2021
  8. EP 138: Setting Goals For The New Year

    Published: 21/12/2021
  9. EP 137: Six Business Metrics I Look At Every Year

    Published: 14/12/2021
  10. EP 136: Your Clients Don't Know What They Want

    Published: 07/12/2021
  11. EP 135: Content Marketing Like a Boss with Julie Christie

    Published: 30/11/2021
  12. EP 134: Showing Gratitude To Yourself

    Published: 23/11/2021
  13. EP 133: The Value of What We Do with Kami Vanous

    Published: 16/11/2021
  14. EP 132: The Newborn Retreat with Lisa DiGeso

    Published: 09/11/2021
  15. EP 131: Reinventing your Business with Melissa Arlena

    Published: 02/11/2021
  16. EP 130: Tales from the In-Person-Sales Crypt

    Published: 26/10/2021
  17. EP 129: Business Brainstorming with Colie James

    Published: 19/10/2021
  18. EP 128: Five Client Gift Ideas (That Won't Break the Bank!)

    Published: 12/10/2021
  19. EP 127: Intentional Transitions with Mary Otanez

    Published: 05/10/2021
  20. EP 126: A's to Five Very Common Photography Q's

    Published: 28/09/2021

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You love photography, but running a business? That's a different story. If you've ever thrown up your hands trying to figure it out yourself and said "This CAN'T be that hard!!!" you've come to the right place. Host Annemie Tonken's secret superpower is cutting through the confusion to give you actionable, step-by-step strategies and systems that will help you build a business that reflects your values, serves your needs, and thrills your clients. Tune in to find out why thousands of photographers around the world love Annemie's simple, you-can-do-this approach to everything from pricing to marketing to customer service... and so much more! Whether you're still just dreaming of starting a photography business or have years of experience under your belt, you'll find ideas and inspiration every week to help you run a profitable, sustainable business you love.

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