The Tucker Carlson Show

A podcast by Tucker Carlson Network

181 Episodes

  1. Patrick Bet-David on Trump, Iran, and What Chris Cuomo Should Do with the Rest of His Life

    Published: 23/05/2024
  2. Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance

    Published: 21/05/2024
  3. Dave Smith on how neocons wrecked the country

    Published: 17/05/2024
  4. Aaron Rodgers: Epstein’s Death, Psychedelics, Fake Vax Cards in the NFL, and Pat Tillman

    Published: 14/05/2024
  5. Molson Hart makes his living selling toys on Amazon but says the company is taking a large chunk of sales. Is Jeff Bezos fair to small businesses?

    Published: 10/05/2024
  6. Author Kris Newby explains how the first Lyme Disease infections happened just a few miles from an animal-testing lab in Connecticut. Could the spread of the disease be related to a lab leak?

    Published: 09/05/2024
  7. Tara Reade says Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. After talking publicly about it, she says she's so fearful for her well-being that she left the country and moved to Moscow.

    Published: 08/05/2024
  8. Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote says it's a real possibility that illegal immigrants could vote in U.S. elections. She explains the legal loophole that few know about.

    Published: 07/05/2024
  9. Former CIA officer Felix Rodriguez has led a fascinating life. He was involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and was one of the last men to speak to Che Guevara before his execution.

    Published: 06/05/2024
  10. Author Tucker Max left behind a wild life of partying to settle down on a Texas homestead with his wife and kids.

    Published: 03/05/2024
  11. One America News host Dan Ball explains why Democrats in Congress are trying to shut his network down.

    Published: 01/05/2024
  12. Author John Daniel Davidson says paganism in America is on the rise.

    Published: 30/04/2024
  13. Author Megan Basham explains why some Christian leaders back policies that are anything but Christian.

    Published: 29/04/2024
  14. Justin Haskins of The Heartland Institute says he has proof that mail-in voter fraud is even worse than we even thought.

    Published: 26/04/2024
  15. Bonus Episode | Glenn Beck and Whittney Webb

    Published: 26/04/2024
  16. Author Jeremy Carl explains why some people are scared to talk about anti-white racism.

    Published: 25/04/2024
  17. Journalist Michael Yon has seen the migrant crisis up close in Panama. What he describes is hard to believe.

    Published: 23/04/2024
  18. Lawyer Bob Amsterdam represents the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He says the brutality they face at the hands of the Ukrainian government is truly shocking.

    Published: 22/04/2024
  19. Dennis Hannon’s five-year-old son was transitioned behind his back. How did this happen?

    Published: 19/04/2024
  20. Jesse Kelly on why we keep voting for weak Republican leaders

    Published: 18/04/2024

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The Tucker Carlson Show is your beacon of free speech and honest reporting in a media landscape dominated by misinformation. The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what.

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