The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

A podcast by Sound Owl Media - Sundays



272 Episodes

  1. Season Finale: A Fourth Deathly Hallow?

    Published: 02/12/2020
  2. S2 E14: Is Snape still alive?

    Published: 29/11/2020
  3. S2 E13: Was Dumbledore a Phoenix?

    Published: 25/11/2020
  4. S2 E12: Where did Crookshanks come from?

    Published: 22/11/2020
  5. S2 E11: What is Voldemort's Patronus?

    Published: 18/11/2020
  6. S2 E10: Where do vanished objects go?

    Published: 15/11/2020
  7. S2 S9: Why is Ron so bad at magic?

    Published: 11/11/2020
  8. S2 E8: Why Snape is forced to teach potions and his big PLAN!

    Published: 08/11/2020
  9. S2 E7: Why do the Dementors affect Harry so much?

    Published: 04/11/2020
  10. S2 E6: Why is Harry able to fight off Dark Arts so well?

    Published: 01/11/2020
  11. Happy Halloween!

    Published: 31/10/2020
  12. S2 E5: Does the resurrection stone KILL you?

    Published: 28/10/2020
  13. S2 E4: The TRUTH about liquid luck

    Published: 25/10/2020
  14. S2 E3: The Knight bus and its big SECRET!

    Published: 21/10/2020
  15. S2 E2: Was Percy Weasly CURSED?

    Published: 18/10/2020
  16. S2 E1: Was Newt's kelpie the key to success?

    Published: 14/10/2020
  17. Season Finale: Why does the Elder Wand keep losing?

    Published: 11/10/2020
  18. Episode 14: How does Hagrid's wand work, and why does Dumbledore trust him so much?

    Published: 07/10/2020
  19. Episode 13: Was Hagrid in Slytherin?

    Published: 05/10/2020
  20. Episode 12: Is Hagrid a secret Millionaire?

    Published: 27/09/2020

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The Potter Discussion is the ultimate Harry Potter podcast, giving you weekly discussions on the most exiting topics in Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, and beyond! In each episode, we talk about a new topic within the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts fandom, in addition to the occasional quiz or breakdown of a character. If you are a PotterHead and a Harry Potter super-fan, this podcast is for you! Sit back, subscribe, and let's dive into the unknown!

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