The Hello Baby Podcast
A podcast by Amelia Evans

12 Episodes
HB12. When the Nuchal Fold is High: Chloe's story of a complicated first scan.
Published: 13/08/2021 -
HB11. Getting your Birthing Sh*t Together: how hypnobirthing can help when things don't go to plan.
Published: 15/07/2021 -
HB10. Birth Broke Me But I Put Myself Back Together: a story of traumatic birth, and maternal obsessive compulsive disorder.
Published: 01/07/2021 -
HB09. Hypertension, Big Heads and Salad Tongs: it's a positive birth story, but not as you know it.
Published: 10/06/2021 -
HB08. It's Sleepytime! Sleep chat with consultant Leanne Fraser.
Published: 27/05/2021 -
HB07. Pity the fool who says you’re too posh to push: why it’s completely reasonable to request an elective c-section for your first (or subsequent) baby.
Published: 13/05/2021 -
HB06. "You and me and Daddy...We're going to have a baby." The trials, tribulations, triumphs and some tips on having your second baby, and the (seismic) impact on your firstborn.
Published: 29/04/2021 -
HB05. Born into a Plastic Bag: what it's like when your baby is born prematurely, 12 weeks before his due date.
Published: 22/04/2021 -
HB04. Leaving the House and Other Impossible Tasks: Lesley from E17 Baby shares her labour and postnatal experiences
Published: 12/04/2021 -
HB03. Carole King in the Bath and a New Stair Carpet: my mum's induction in the 70s and a home birth in the 80s (me!)
Published: 31/03/2021 -
HB02. Brain Fog and Shroud Waving: how my babies came out
Published: 24/03/2021 -
HB01. Death by Harry Potter, tidying and running: my lockdown parenting
Published: 24/03/2021
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Welcome to The Hello Baby Podcast, where you can hear about all the things that happen when you're making babies, when you're getting them out and when you're bringing them up. Hosted by Amelia Evans, a midwife, mum-of-two and founder of Hello Baby antenatal classes in East London.