Teach Middle East Podcast

A podcast by Teach Middle East


114 Episodes

  1. The Importance of Oracy in the Classroom: Let's talk about talk with Sarah Lambert

    Published: 10/04/2021
  2. Tips to Ensure Effective Inclusion in Schools with Cas Germain

    Published: 21/03/2021
  3. Innovation in Learning and Creating a New Learning Paradigm with Christopher Pommerening

    Published: 13/03/2021
  4. School Digital Strategy Journeys- How COVID-19 Has Re-Shaped Our Plans

    Published: 06/03/2021
  5. Why Effective STEM Education Is More Important Now Than Ever With Suzanne Saraya

    Published: 27/02/2021
  6. Opening a New School in Dubai During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Published: 20/02/2021
  7. Talking Teacher Burnout With Neil Thomas

    Published: 13/02/2021
  8. How to Make Yourself and Your Students Happy

    Published: 06/02/2021
  9. Recruitment Trends in International Schools in 2021 and Beyond with Bill Turner

    Published: 30/01/2021
  10. The Profile of a ‘True’ School Leader in the Digital Age

    Published: 07/10/2020
  11. Creating the Right Setting for Self-Evaluation

    Published: 07/10/2020
  12. The Process and Problems of Self-Evaluation in Schools

    Published: 07/10/2020
  13. Keep Soaring: Developing a Strategy for School-Led Self-Evaluation

    Published: 07/10/2020
  14. Self-Evaluation – The Backbone of a Great School

    Published: 07/10/2020

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Welcome to the Teach Middle East Podcast, the ultimate audio hub where educators find inspiration, share innovative ideas, and grow together! Brought to you by Moftah Publishing—the minds behind the premier Teach Middle East Magazine—this podcast is your gateway to the latest research-based practices, cutting-edge classroom strategies, and the heartwarming stories of educators from the Middle East and around the globe.As the only podcast that interviews school leaders from across the Middle East and beyond, we offer unparalleled insights into the challenges and successes that shape educational landscapes in diverse settings. Join us as we dive deep into the fascinating world of education, where every episode promises a treasure trove of insights designed to connect, develop, and empower the brilliant minds shaping our future. Whether you’re seeking fresh perspectives, practical tips, or a dose of inspiration, the Teach Middle East Podcast is your must-listen resource. Tune in and transform the way you teach!