Battlestar Galactica Down the Hatch: A Spoiler-Free Rewatch

A podcast by Josh Wigler and Mike Bloom


245 Episodes

    56 / 13

    Josh Wigler and Mike Bloom watched and recapped all of LOST. Next, they turn toward the stars with Battlestar Galactica, presenting a spoiler-free recap of the series, friendly for first-time viewers. A reboot of the 1970s series of the same name, the 2000s edition of Battlestar Galactica centers on a group of humans on the run from machines called Cylons, all of whom face mutually assured destruction unless they can find a way to live together (or die alone?). Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell and Katee Sachokff lead the cast of this historic sci-fi series and celebrated LOST contemporary.

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