Inner Life, Talks and Thoughts

A podcast by Mark Vernon


169 Episodes

  1. Carl Jung. An introduction to his insights, including dreams & archetypes, the Self & synchronicity

    Published: 22/07/2022
  2. William Blake and the future of Christianity

    Published: 16/07/2022
  3. A Path Through Suffering

    Published: 16/07/2022
  4. Science with Soul. Reflecting on Rupert Sheldrake’s 80th Birthday Celebration

    Published: 14/07/2022
  5. Freedom, power & the spiritual commons. More thoughts on The Dawn of Everything by Graeber & Wengrow

    Published: 10/07/2022
  6. JERUSALEM. Lament, tragedy, invocation, cry? William Blake and the play that forgets his name

    Published: 28/06/2022
  7. You Are Gods by David Bentley Hart. Reflections on Vedantic Christianity

    Published: 19/06/2022
  8. The Mossy Face of Christ. Martin Shaw talks w Mark Vernon about an unexpected return to Christianity

    Published: 14/06/2022
  9. Varieties of love in Plato, Jesus, Ibn 'Arabi and other mystics. Jane Clark & Mark Vernon

    Published: 02/06/2022
  10. Monarchy and the emergence of consciousness

    Published: 01/06/2022
  11. Love in a Time of Crisis because Crises are How Love Shows Up

    Published: 25/05/2022
  12. William Blake and the Psychedelic Renaissance. Seven facets of cultural transformation

    Published: 24/05/2022
  13. The Road of Excess Leads to the Palace of Wisdom. William Blake on desire, attention and wanting it all

    Published: 21/05/2022
  14. Understanding the Hollywood Medium. Thoughts on Life After Death with Tyler Henry

    Published: 16/05/2022
  15. Defending the Spiritual Commons. A short talk at Idler Drinks

    Published: 07/05/2022
  16. Wrestling with Christianity. A Medicine Path podcast conversation with Brian James & Mark Vernon

    Published: 04/05/2022
  17. The Spiritual Path of the Soul - a Stoic conversation with The Walled Garden

    Published: 28/04/2022
  18. Forging Golgonooza. William Blake on how to do politics & religion

    Published: 25/04/2022
  19. The Evolution of Religion - our shared sacred story. Interview with Robin Dunbar

    Published: 21/04/2022
  20. The Attack On Life and Understanding Our Times. A conversation with Iain McGilchrist and Mark Vernon

    Published: 15/04/2022

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Reflections from Mark Vernon on soulful matters including spirituality and psychotherapy, science and religion, consciousness and the divine. For more on see