Inner Life, Talks and Thoughts

A podcast by Mark Vernon


169 Episodes

  1. 10 ways to understand AI

    Published: 10/07/2023
  2. Narcissism. Good and Bad Therapy. A series of conversations with Robert Rowland Smith & Mark Vernon

    Published: 15/06/2023
  3. The Scandalous Radicality of Owen Barfield’s Thought. Landon Loftin, Max Leyf & Mark Vernon

    Published: 06/06/2023
  4. End of Life Experiences. A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake

    Published: 02/06/2023
  5. What makes a place safe to talk? Psychotherapy and the frame. Robert Rowland Smith & Mark Vernon

    Published: 19/05/2023
  6. How Jesus can save us from AI

    Published: 14/05/2023
  7. Monarchy, diversity & William Blake. An Idler Drinks thought

    Published: 11/05/2023
  8. Good & Bad Therapy. Or, have we reached "peak trauma"? A conversation with Robert Rowland Smith

    Published: 13/04/2023
  9. In Praise of Praise. A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake

    Published: 28/03/2023
  10. Synchronicity and Carl Jung’s metaphysics. #CollectiveUnconscious #GermanIdealism #BernardoKastrup

    Published: 20/03/2023
  11. Carlo Rovelli is interestingly, importantly wrong about Anaximander

    Published: 24/02/2023
  12. Freeing Perception. 10 Ways of Living Iain McGilchrist's Work

    Published: 28/01/2023
  13. What is objectivity? A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake & Mark Vernon

    Published: 14/01/2023
  14. Harry & Psychotherapy. British & American traditions. Reflecting on differences, conflicts, tensions

    Published: 07/01/2023
  15. A New Axial Age? A conversation with Beth Macy & Mark Vernon

    Published: 22/12/2022
  16. Spiritual Intelligence in Seven Steps. Step One - Telling Our Story

    Published: 13/12/2022
  17. Spiritual Intelligence in Seven Steps. Step Two - Discovering Freedom

    Published: 13/12/2022
  18. Spiritual Intelligence in Seven Steps. Step Three - See Reality Is Simple

    Published: 13/12/2022
  19. Spiritual Intelligence in Seven Steps. Step Four - Settling The Soul

    Published: 13/12/2022
  20. Spiritual Intelligence in Seven Steps. Step Five - Learning To Die

    Published: 13/12/2022

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Reflections from Mark Vernon on soulful matters including spirituality and psychotherapy, science and religion, consciousness and the divine. For more on see