雅思口语IELTS English2024

A podcast by 英语口语家森Jason


2070 Episodes

  1. (4491期)你关注新闻中的名人吗 Do you pay attention to famous people in the news

    Published: 27/03/2024
  2. (4490期)你用笔记本电脑都做什么呢 What can you do with a laptop

    Published: 26/03/2024
  3. (4489期)描述家里重要物品 Describe a useful object in home that you cannot live without

    Published: 25/03/2024
  4. (4488期)你喜欢网络聊天还是当面聊 Do you prefer chatting online or in person

    Published: 24/03/2024
  5. (4487期)婚姻问题可以向谁寻求建议 Who can give you advice about marriage problem

    Published: 23/03/2024
  6. ​2024年3月23日雅思考情汇总分析(考场录制有杂音)​

    Published: 23/03/2024
  7. (4486期)在你们那人们喜欢长假期吗 Do people like long vacations in your culture

    Published: 22/03/2024
  8. (4485期)你的父母和朋友用社交软件吗 Do your parents and friends use social media

    Published: 21/03/2024
  9. (4484期)线上交友你怎么看 What do you think of making friends online

    Published: 20/03/2024
  10. (4483期)你什么时候在街边小摊买东西 When do you shop on street markets

    Published: 19/03/2024
  11. (4482期)以后想住大房子吗 Do you want to live in a big house in the future

    Published: 18/03/2024
  12. (4481期)你会不会花很多钱买墨镜 Do you spend much money buying sunglasses

    Published: 17/03/2024
  13. (4480期)为什么有人不喜欢去外面聚会 Why do some people refuse going to parties

    Published: 16/03/2024
  14. 2024年3月16日雅思考情汇总分析(考场录制有杂音)

    Published: 16/03/2024
  15. (4479期)喜欢和朋友聊天吗 Do you like to chat with friends and why

    Published: 15/03/2024
  16. (4478期)公共场所就应该没噪音吗 Do you think public places should be no noise

    Published: 14/03/2024
  17. (4477期)年轻人会为了工作搬到另一个城市吗 Would young people move to another city for work

    Published: 13/03/2024
  18. (4476期)为什么很多人喜欢在家宅着 Why do lots of people prefer to stay at home

    Published: 12/03/2024
  19. (4475期)在你们国家人们喜欢旅行吗 Do people like travelling in your country

    Published: 11/03/2024
  20. (4474期)人们是不是越来越忙碌了Do people become much busier than before

    Published: 10/03/2024

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关注VX:176939107 公众号和视频号:家森Jason 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新