a City for You, DANCE!
A podcast by Anastasia Angeli - Thursdays
145 Episodes
Isabelle Wallin - on drive-in cinema and movement
Published: 16/09/2021 -
Татьяна Матюшкина - про Санкт-Петербург и ритм города
Published: 09/09/2021 -
Michelle Guzmán Olivo and Guillermo Velasquez - on curiosity and el Cuco
Published: 02/09/2021 -
Лера Татьянина - про Казань и совокупность комплексностей
Published: 26/08/2021 -
Olivia Hallberg - on public toilets and scary movies
Published: 19/08/2021 -
Анастасия Казневская - про кусочек рая и повязку на глаза
Published: 12/08/2021 -
Julia Aijkens - on accessibility and hopping around
Published: 05/08/2021 -
Анна Шадричева - про тишину и Калугу
Published: 29/07/2021 -
Victória Loureiro Cardoso - on right to the city at day and nighttime
Published: 22/07/2021 -
Мари Чичагова [ВИДЕО ЭПИЗОД] - про человека как функцию и чувство гордости
Published: 15/07/2021 -
Emily Tucker - on gloom and show
Published: 08/07/2021 -
Александра Ли и Александра Грачева - про классическую музыку и цвет нот
Published: 01/07/2021 -
Amanda Peters - on coffee and cafés
Published: 24/06/2021 -
Валерия Горелова - про [Длину Волны] и светодизайн
Published: 17/06/2021 -
Cody Torgersrud - on fetishisation of a city concept and charm
Published: 10/06/2021 -
Сергей Яковлев и Людмила Яковлева - про сотворчество и ночные репетиции
Published: 03/06/2021 -
Eftychia Stamataki - on connection between dark and quiet
Published: 27/05/2021 -
Евгений Шкенёв - про тяжелый металл и треск дров
Published: 20/05/2021 -
Nicole Arthur and Tatiana Bodnar - on Lappis and flukes
Published: 13/05/2021 -
Алла Крикун - про колористику городов и фриланс
Published: 06/05/2021
Casting light on citizens and their urban life through 4 simple questions. This season's theme is: DANCE! This is my way to connect citizens through sharing their stories. Why not dive into a pool of opinions and views on a city and artificial lighting, described by people from around the world? Next time you walk through your city, notice that every person passing by has their own story and you might hear it soon. acityforyou.wordpress.com