English with Kirsty

A podcast by Kirsty Major


167 Episodes

  1. Episode 251: EwK251 - Language tip - 100 words a day!

    Published: 09/07/2024
  2. Episode 250: EwK250 - Today I’m the podcast guest – my friend Rita interviews me!

    Published: 30/06/2024
  3. Episode 249: EwK249 - Julia Michelle on brand voice

    Published: 20/06/2024
  4. Episode 248: EwK248 - How much of your personality comes through when you’re speaking English?

    Published: 12/06/2024
  5. Episode 247: Sion Dayson on voice acting, language learning, and discovering new cultures

    Published: 06/06/2024
  6. Episode 246: EwK246 - Marta Pagans on overcoming our perfectionism in language learning

    Published: 30/05/2024
  7. Episode 245: EwK245 - Joana Lisboa on the power of your voice

    Published: 17/05/2024
  8. Episode 244: EwK244 - 5 members of the conversation club share their experiences

    Published: 06/05/2024
  9. Episode 243: EwK243 - Rita Menezes on subtitling and how subtitles can help us as language learners

    Published: 01/05/2024
  10. Episode 242: EwK242 - Olivia Segal on podcasts, language tandems, and authentic conversations

    Published: 23/04/2024
  11. Episode 241: EwK241 - Diego Perez on using video games to learn English

    Published: 18/04/2024
  12. Episode 240: EwK240 - Megan Miller on routines and habits

    Published: 10/04/2024
  13. Episode 239: EwK239 - Craig Wealand on the Cambridge speaking exam

    Published: 27/03/2024
  14. Episode 238: EwK238 - Renata Fernandes on inclusive communication

    Published: 20/03/2024
  15. Episode 237: EwK237 - How volunteering can help you to develop proficiency in another language

    Published: 14/03/2024
  16. Episode 236: WeK236 - Nick Nasev on Australian English

    Published: 06/03/2024
  17. Episode 235: EwK235 - 3 members share their experiences about the conversation club for general topics

    Published: 04/03/2024
  18. Episode 234: EwK234 - Christine Konstantinidis on how mind maps can help you to learn a language

    Published: 20/02/2024
  19. Episode 233: EwK232 Mónia Filipe on how living and working abroad can help you to develop your language skills

    Published: 09/02/2024
  20. Episode 232: EwK233 - My interactive workshop about using podcasts to improve your language skills

    Published: 06/02/2024

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A podcast for busy people who want to improve their business English or develop their communication skills. For further information, see www.englishwithkirsty.com/podcast