Careers in Discovery
A podcast by Tom Froggatt
161 Episodes
Joe Dukes, Enara Bio
Published: 15/07/2020 -
Tim Brears, Evonetix
Published: 01/07/2020 -
Rabia Khan, Sensyne Health
Published: 17/06/2020 -
Mark Frigerio, Abzena
Published: 03/06/2020 -
Alice Brown, GammaDelta Therapeutics
Published: 20/05/2020 -
Niall Martin, Artios Pharma
Published: 06/05/2020 -
David Hughes, CN Bio Innovations
Published: 22/04/2020 -
Mihri Tuna, Adaptate Biotherapeutics
Published: 08/04/2020 -
Dave Hallett, Exscientia
Published: 25/03/2020 -
Tony de Fougerolles, Evox Therapeutics
Published: 11/03/2020 -
Ross Burn, CatSci
Published: 05/02/2020 -
Richard Butt, Apollo Therapeutics
Published: 29/01/2020 -
Darrin Disley, Mogrify
Published: 22/01/2020 -
Chris Kirton, Axol Bioscience
Published: 15/01/2020 -
Ian Wilkinson, Absolute Antibody
Published: 08/01/2020 -
Jason Mellad, StartCodon
Published: 18/12/2019 -
Chris Williams, Questae Coaching & Consulting
Published: 11/12/2019 -
Gary Allenby, Aurelia Bioscience
Published: 04/12/2019 -
Alun McCarthy, C4X Discovery
Published: 27/11/2019 -
Caroline Barelle, Elasmogen
Published: 20/11/2019
Careers in Discovery is your window into the world of Pharma & Biotech. Featuring interviews each week with leaders in Drug Discovery and R&D, you’ll learn about the careers of these influential figures, the work they are doing, how they got to where they are and what advice they’d give their younger selves. Brought to you by Singular Talent. Connect with us at: Twitter: @singular_talent LinkedIn: