Architecture, Business & Design

A podcast by Andres Aviles


7 Episodes

  1. Reaching the top of a skyscraper - the success of architect Ed Shim

    Published: 21/11/2018
  2. From architect to interior designer - Inside the mind of John Mack

    Published: 07/11/2018
  3. The success of an architecture and interior design firm - Interview with CetraRuddy

    Published: 24/10/2018
  4. How to find meaning in your work with Phoebe Oldrey

    Published: 10/10/2018
  5. Becoming an architect | The journey of Neil Myers

    Published: 26/09/2018
  6. Understanding Feng Shui principles with interior designer Marie Burgos

    Published: 12/09/2018
  7. What is "Architecture, Business & Design"

    Published: 23/08/2018

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Architecture, business and design was established to help new upcoming and veterns in the interior design and architecture feild to learn about the latest news in Real estate, architecture, design, trends and decipher how it will impact everyone in the industry around the world in a faster and easier way. Andres, our host, will interview the experts in the fields to be able to get more insight and a different perspective from everyone. From how todays technology has changed they way of work, to how everyone has adapted to fit into the new changes. You will hear it all.

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