LISK (Long Island Serial Killer) Panel: A Zone 7 Discussion

Zone 7 with Sheryl McCollum - A podcast by iHeartPodcasts and CrimeOnline

In this engrossing episode of the "Zone 7" podcast, host Sheryl McCollum delves deep into the Long Island serial killer case. With a diverse panel that includes former NYPD Sergeant Joseph Giacalone, forensic psychologist Dr. Joni Johnston, and polygraph expert Lisa Ribacoff, Mike Morford host of the Criminology Podcast, listeners get a comprehensive understanding of the investigation, its psychological intricacies, the real-life impacts of crime, and the role podcast and other media play in solving these cases. Special guest Kerri Rawson, the daughter of the infamous BTK killer, offers a unique perspective on the human aftermath of crime. The discussion transcends the specifics of the case, touching on the roles of podcasters in true crime and urging respect and patience when discussing ongoing investigations. Show Notes: [0:00] Welcome back to Zone 7 with Crime Scene Investigator, Sheryl McCollum. Sheryl shares a story from a school teacher following the introduction of the team of experts in this episode [1:37] Sheryl gives an overview of the Long Island serial killer case, revealing the chilling details and the killer's suspected patterns [5:12] Question: Can you talk a little bit about what law enforcement is doing after they have a person in custody? [6:16] Question: What do you think right now is the most intriguing piece of evidence to you?  [7:15] The role of Medical Legal Investigators (MLIs) in cold case digs is highlighted, with Giacalone noting how serial killers often keep "trophies" [8:51] Question: How do you function as a professional, raise children, and maintain a marriage? And at the same time, be this predatory killer? [8:55] Joni E. Johnston introduces the idea that some individuals can effectively compartmentalize their lives, making their criminal activities harder to detect [12:33] Question: If he was willing to talk, what questions would you have for him, and in what order?  [13:10] The intriguing world of polygraph tests is unveiled as Lisa Ribacoff shares her approach to interviewing suspects [16:47] Kerri Rawson’s profound insights on the complexities of being related to a notorious criminal. Her experience brings a deeply personal touch to the narrative [18:08] Mike Morford highlights the influential role of podcasters in shining a light on cold cases and aiding investigations [22:15] Question: When you're working a task force like this how difficult is it to get everybody to stay on the same page and move as one? [23:06] Giacalone paints a picture of the investigation's intricacies, from triumphs to stumbling blocks [24:54] Delving into the psychological, Sheryl and Joni discuss the delicate task of profiling a criminal while empathizing with the perpetrator's family [26:36] Question: Lisa? You’re there on Long Island. What is the pulse like of that community? [29:49] Question: Tell me, how do you balance it so that you are respectful to law enforcement, the pending case, both sides, both families? [32:00] Rawson candidly discusses her advocacy work and the emotional journey of supporting other families impacted by crime [38:12] Question: Lisa, with your expertise in statement analysis and in polygraph, how do you weed out the true reports and the false reports?  [45:40] An exploration of a chilling concept: the idea of 'metaphysical trophies' and the psychological warfare some criminals deploy [49:38] Rawson offers a rare glimpse into her life, highlighting the many faces of a serial killer, including that of a father [52:47] Final thoughts from the panel of experts [58:39] “Crime must be evaluated in its totality. There is no substitute for experience. And if you want to understand the criminal mind, you must go directly to the source and learn to decipher what he tells you. And above all, why plus how equals who” -J.D, Mindhunter Thanks for listening to another episode! 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She is the co-author of the textbook., Cold Case: Pathways to Justice. Sheryl is also the founder and director of the Cold Case Investigative Research Institute, a collaboration between universities and colleges that brings researchers, practitioners, students and the criminal justice community together to advance techniques in solving cold cases and assist families and law enforcement with solvability factors for unsolved homicides, missing persons, and kidnapping cases.   You can connect and learn more about Sheryl’s work by visiting the CCIRI website Social Links: Email: [email protected] Twitter: @ColdCaseTips Facebook: @sheryl.mccollum See for privacy information.

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