You Wouldn't Know Class If It Fucked You in the Ass (With a Swarovski Covered Dildo)

You're Welcome w/ Zoe Nightingale - A podcast by Zoe


Good Golly Ms Molly am I in a slump. I've been trying to sort through the 40 hours of tape that I have from burning man. I honestly just keep staring at my computer and then trying to find the one 1/4 bar of xanex I keep for emergencies..But because everything I own is covered in powered battery dust and my brain feels like it's swollen 6 times to big for skull I can't find it. So here I sit, freaking out, lonely, depressed wishing i could crawl back inside my mothers womb and ask god for a refund, and trying to remember all that powerful carpe diem chutzpah I used to have. I promised I would post every Wednesday. I obviously lied. If you want to help me on my path of hiring someone to shift through my raw tape and help me edit this monstrosity of a burning man episode staring one Kathy Jane Klaus (my mother) Please donate to my Patreon Campaign: If i can get a couple thousand people to donate a dollar a month I will be able to do this full time, with an editor and buy new equipment and MAYBE just MAYBE get this shit done on time. At the moment, I am moving about as fast as a sea turtle trying to get up a sand dune and lay 1,000 eggs. So please forgive me, and here's a interview I did with a Swarovski crystal dealer at the AVN porn awards who was set up right next to Hustler, selling brilliantly expensive rubbish to ladies who wouldn't know style/class if it fucked them in ass. I never thought it was funny and the sound quality is garbage, but as I sift through my raw tape I'm going to have to keep pulling old mucky muck out to keep you entertained. AND I promise you that I did my homework and really soon I will have brilliant new pieces for you. PROMISE.

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