You're Welcome w/ Zoe Nightingale - A podcast by Zoe

So lets be "honest" I've been going through one of the MOST difficult times of my lifetime. WHY - we'll get to the "fact" later - but for now I stand in tribunal against my entire family as to how a series of events over my 40 birthday actually went down. I threw myself a 9 day celebration - two different events - two houses - 75 people at the first event called the Olympics - 50 mostly newer friends people with babies AND MY FAMILY - to a Healing Zen sanctuary called TRUE NORTH. It was - what I "thought"- THE MOST AMAZING mini burning man and the most incredible testiment to 'ME" and the world I want to build and see - while also being the most challenging insanity I have ever unleashed to pull it off. At the end of it - my family - who I just wanted to show i was abundant - wealthy - rescourced and that they didn't need worry about me - turned around and reached a verdict collectively about the version that they projected onto "me" that humbled "me" to "my" knees and lead "them" to go behind my back and convince my "community" to try to take away my voice and do some things that left me so scared and angry - I almost litreally thought I could never speak to them again and they are my most important people. It has been - to say and understatement the most painful experience of waking up - i've ever had. ya'll take acid - yeah i don't either usually - i did once and it was a HUGE mistake = but if done right - Acid is just wow. Wow. oh my god wow. I learned so much and i needed to learn it = but FUCK ME DO NOT TAKE IT IN FRONT OF YOUR WHOLE FAMILY = idiot stimpy. Anyway this is a converstion with my uber driver "Muhammed" who helped me think though some of my dark thoughts I have. I LOVE YOU FAMILY - I'm sorry you guys always thought I was so crazy. i am crazy - but i am also a god given genius and i will not stop my quest to show. a differnt way to live. No editing here - just what "happened" ZOE SUPERSTAR NIGHTINGALE WISEMAN (name on birthday certificate - I have witnesses