Episode 320: Have a Child Who Acts Spoiled or Entitled? Here’s What’s Really Going On
Your Parenting Long Game - A podcast by Rachel Bailey - Thursdays
Many children with big emotions can seem spoiled or entitled at times -- like they expect to get everything they want, all of the time. And even though it can be tempting to give in for the sake of family peace, there are better ways to help our children in these situations… so they can learn how to handle not getting their way in the future. In this episode, you’ll learn: Why kids with big emotions seem to always want more, more, more What we can ask ourselves to know if we’re giving our children what they truly need (or just want they want) One thing all parents can give their kids so they don’t keep asking for more -- Summary of this episode: https://rachelbailey68580.activehosted.com/f/197 Transcript of this episode: https://rachel-bailey.com/320-transcript/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RachelBailey Free training for parents with kids with big emotions: https://rachel-bailey.com/longgame/rachel