Episode 314: Plug An “Influence Leak”: Stop Trying to Get Your Child to See Why What They’re Doing is Wrong

Of course we want our children to listen to us when we ask them to do what they’re supposed to do or when we ask them to act maturely in situations that don’t go their way.  But often when we try to get our kids to listen to us, we do it in ways that actually decrease our influence. This is especially true when we try to get our children to see why we are right and they are wrong.  Of course it’s not that we shouldn’t try to motivate better behavior! Rather, we can just do it in more effective ways.  In this episode, you’ll learn: Why telling children what they’ve done wrong doesn’t lead to them doing what’s right Exactly how to approach your child to increase your influence  Why this non-permissive strategy not only increases your influence, but strengthens your relationship -- FREE ASSESSMENT + 30-MINUTE CALL WITH RACHEL: https://rachel-bailey.com/call Free summary of this episode: https://rachelbailey68580.activehosted.com/f/192 Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RachelBailey Free training for parents with kids with big emotions: https://rachel-bailey.com/longgame/rachel

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This podcast is for parents who not only want to short-term tips for handling current kids' behaviors and moods, but who are exhausted from addressing the same situation over and over and want to find solutions that last much longer into the future. Because you will receive plans and step-by-step tools, it's also for parents who crave feeling in control -- and who do much better with structure than the chaos traditionally associated with parenting.