Don't miss out on The Dream Life Academy!

If you've been watching my socials over the weekend you will know that I have been running a launch for The Dream Life Academy!Are you ready to live your dream life? Do you dream of doing something different with your life but you don’t know where to start?Would you like to work for yourself but fear is holding you back? Do you need a big old dose of confidence to get yourself taking action? Is now the perfect time to put yourself first? If the answer to any of those questions is yes then you need to join The Dream Life Academy™!Sign up now for the launch price of £747 which includes a one hour one-to-one coaching session, worth over £200.Click here to read more and to sign up! The doors close on Monday 18th September so don't miss out....

Om Podcasten

Are you living your dream life? If you aren't, why is that? I'm Laura Cruise, The Dream Transition Mentor and my mission in life is to help women the world over to create and live a life filled with freedom, flow, fulfilment and most importantly fun. If you dream it, if you believe it you can absolutely do it. Each week I will inspire you with either a guest interview with a female entrepreneur who has already made her dream come true or a solo episode where I give you practical and motivational advice to get you started on the journey to your dreams. Dream as if it's already done my friend!