Define your own success with Nicky Wilder

This week I talk to Nicky Elliott, a podcaster and entrepreneur with a passion for helping women to pursue the career that really lights them up. Nicky is so honest about her business journey, about not necessarily having a plan, and about adapting and changing as the years go by. I loved our conversation.As Nicky explains, it’s perfectly OK to have a lightbulb moment which leads to a business, and then it’s ok to separate head and heart in order to let it go. See what Nicky does here. If you enjoyed the episode, please subscribe and leave a review - a five star one would be perfect! As always, if you need help to make your dream life and business a reality, get in touch! Check out my website here. See you next time my fellow dreamer....

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Are you living your dream life? If you aren't, why is that? I'm Laura Cruise, The Dream Transition Mentor and my mission in life is to help women the world over to create and live a life filled with freedom, flow, fulfilment and most importantly fun. If you dream it, if you believe it you can absolutely do it. Each week I will inspire you with either a guest interview with a female entrepreneur who has already made her dream come true or a solo episode where I give you practical and motivational advice to get you started on the journey to your dreams. Dream as if it's already done my friend!