How To Influence Without Getting Frustrated

You have brilliant ideas and solutions that can make a difference in your work. But how do you get others on board with them? It can be hard to convince others when they have different views and opinions. The thing is, you can’t change someone’s mind without knowing where they are coming from and what matters to them. You have to face it with confidence, grace, patience, and, sometimes, acceptance.In this quick dip episode, we talk about how you can influence anyone by understanding yourself and them. We then discuss the impact of focusing on your zone of power and the importance of conflict and disagreement.Find out how to tackle any challenge with skill and insight. If you want to know how to influence others gracefully, this episode is for you. Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:Find out what things are inside and outside your zone of power.Learn how not to get stressed when influencing people.Discover why you can’t control influencing someone.Episode Highlights[00:28] Circle of Influence[02:30] What You Have Control Over in Influencing[03:09] The Zone of Power[04:35] Focus on Action[06:51] What is Behind Conflict?[07:51] How to Influence People[10:55] Focusing on Your Zone of PowerResourcesThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick LencioniMore episodes of You Are Not a Frog:Episode 23: How to do conflict well with Jane GunnEpisode 122: How to be Happy at Work with Sarah MetcalfeTHRIVE Weekly PlannerSign up here to receive a link to the episode workbook and CPD form downloads for each podcast. You can use them for reflection and to submit for your appraisal.Enjoyed This Podcast?Write a review and share this with your friends.Connect With MeHave any questions? Contact Rachel through these platforms:LinkedIn: @Dr-Rachel-Morris Twitter: @DrRachelMorrisEmail: [email protected] out more about our training here.Mentioned in this episode:🚨 Escape the urgency trap! Get your most important work done and find the time to enjoy your life

Om Podcasten

The podcast for GPs, hospital doctors and other professionals in high-stakes, high-stress jobs who want to thrive rather than just survive. You studied for years, you’re really good at what you do but you’ve noticed that you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, overworked and under-resourced. You may be comparing yourself to a frog in boiling water - the heat has built up so slowly that you haven’t noticed the extra-long days becoming the norm. You may feel on the edge and trapped in the very job that you’ve spent years working towards. Here’s the problem, frogs only have two choices; stay and be boiled alive, or jump out of the pan. The good news is that you are not a frog. You have many more choices than you think you do. You don’t have to quit, and nor should stress and burnout be inevitable. It is possible to be master of your own destiny, to craft your work life and career so that you can thrive even in the most difficult of situations. There are simple changes you can make which will make a huge difference to your stress levels and help you enjoy life again. Your host is Dr Rachel Morris, GP turned Executive Coach and Specialist in Resilience at Work who knows what it’s like to feel like an exhausted frog. In the podcast, she’ll be talking to friends, colleagues and experts all who have an interesting take on resilience for clever people in high-stakes, high-stress jobs so that together you can take back control to beat stress and burnout, survive and thrive.