Episode 6, Key Principles to Guide Your IoT Choices

Welcome to Episode 6, the final (episode (for now) of You and the Internet of Things. In this episode I wrap things up by covering a few key principles that will help you navigate the world of the IoT as a home user.  From enlisting the professionals, to checking product specifications to choosing an integrated ecosystem of products, these principles will make your experience easier and simpler.  There are many more tips, ideas, and resources in my book You and the Internet of Things, A practical guide to understanding and integrating the IoT into your daily life (Self-Counsel Press 2020). I thank my publisher for agreeing to release some of the book's content via this podcast, and I thank my guests who so generously gave of their time. 

Om Podcasten

We live in a time when everything is connected to everything else. From “smart” houses to “smart” cars, from cashless banking to wearable sensors new technological advances are part of what we call the "Internet of Things” and are now integrated with nearly all aspects of daily living. Even if you are not a user of the computer or the internet, you are a user of things. If you wonder what the IoT could mean for you, this podcast is your guide to understanding how these soon-to-be common technologies affect you and your family and how to use them for increased safety, security, convenience, and improved quality of life. Whether you are a mainstream user of technology, part of the sandwich generation—that is, somewhere between caring for aging parents and still supporting young people, or perhaps you are a baby boomer trying to navigate the age of the Internet of Things, let this podcast be your guide. This podcast is based on the book, You and the Internet of Things, published by Self-Counsel Press in April of 2020. It’s a practical guide to understanding and integrating the IoT into your daily life. The book launched in the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic. The publisher and I agreed that this content could be useful to people who rely on the internet more than ever to stay connected, informed, and entertained during this challenging time. The podcast is our gift to you.