Plan a Maternity Leave & Hit Your Business Goals

Want to take time off and still hit your revenue goals? This is the episode for you! Even if you're not planning a maternity leave, but want to limit the hours/week you work, this episode will break down the steps you need to take to make the money you want to.In this episode, I share my personal experience of planning and taking time off for both of my sons. And I get real about what was hard, what worked well and what you can learn from it!Here's what changed the game for me: Having a very clear and specific goal in mind.Not just a revenue goal — a time goal. How much money do you want to make, and how much time do you want to take off?I help you know how to answer these questions, and walk you through my own processes for pausing clients, setting up evergreen and waitlist offers and honoring boundaries for my self-care (and more!).IN THIS EPISODE, YOU'LL LEARN:How to set up your business to take off the time you want, and still make the money you wantWhy you'll have more success when you take away any "shoulds" and shame around taking time off, and create your plan based on what's going to truly support youPersonal answers to questions I've received on IG about maternity leave and hitting goals (and how things were different for my first and second sons!)Get more!Follow @thebusinessofyoga on Instagram  The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here

Om Podcasten

Do you feel like you were meant to have a successful career in the yoga industry? Like you got into this industry to truly help your students but maybe you’re struggling to build a solid business foundation. Or you know that marketing your yoga business is essential, but don’t know how to make it effective for you? Maybe you have already had some success but you’re ready to scale to six figures. To build a profitable business it takes serious business skills, and a Yoga Boss mindset. When you’re ready to work on your yoga business, instead of in it this is the podcast for you. I’m Jackie Murphy, the business coach just for yoga teachers.