Ep 302 - (unaired 25 min. episode from two months ago leads into)...The Heart Attack

In a much-anticipated episode, Steve details the events surrounding his heart attack, and his subsequent air evacuation, open heart surgery, hospital stay, and recovery process at home. James has questions and pokes fun (having survived a couple near death experiences of his own) but was enthralled by the saga. This is our longest episode ever--and will probably be the most listened-to episode ever. Strap in and walk in Steve's footsteps!

Om Podcasten

A brief, comedic weekly debate between James Breakwell and Steve Olivas. Hear their highbrow positions unfold as they argue meaningless topics -- that everyone secretly has a strong opinion about! James can be found on twitter (@XplodingUnicorn) and Facebook (Exploding Unicorn) Steve can be found on twitter (@steveolivas) and on Facebook (Steve Olivas)