9 Chilling Signs You’re Being Targeted by a Psychopath | Paul Holes
Women of Impact - A podcast by Impact Theory

Fred & Rose West still haunt my nightmares to this day! Now if you don't know who they are then let me explain... they where the typical "couple next door". They were married, lived in a little house in England. Nothing out of the ordinary... until the day the news broke that ACTUALLY they lured, tortured, and killed 10+ young women and girls and had gotten away with it for yeeeeears!!! They had the the most powerful secret weapon.... Rose! Her super "sweet" female appearance utterly tricked victims into trusting her and her husband. And they got away with it for DECADES because of how damn sneaky their manipulation tactics where! And so as a young girl growing up in England, this always haunted me. I mean I DEFINITELY would have trusted her. At 13 years old, I was taught to be careful of the creepy man who is drooling in the corner of a room. I was NOT even remotely skeptical or suspicious of a sweet looking old lady! So that started my curiosity and absolute FASCINATION with psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and con-men! And so for yeeeeeears I read every book I could get my hands on! Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, Green river killer, Elaine Wuornos and Golden State Killer JUST to name a few! Why the HELL did they do it in the first place? How did they get away with it? What tactics did they use that TOTALLY fooled people? How did they get caught? And finally, what can little Lisa learn so that she would NEVER find herself in that nightmare? Because the truth is..... I DEFINITELY would have fell for it! And its still frikin happening today! I mean just take a look at the P.Diddy's or Jeffrey Epstein's of the world! Different method, same sad outcomes for many! And THAT ladies is why I am have invited on the EPIC #1 detective Paul Holes! You may know him from catching the Golden state killer (#HotforHoles even became a popular hashtag lol) but he is truly the expert to help tell us the sneaky tactics psychopaths, sociopaths and con-men use on their next victim. In this episode, you’re gonna learn: - The chilling tactics predators use to isolate and lure their victims - How to heighten your situational awareness so you’re never caught off-guard - The TRUTH about what makes someone a target and how you can avoid becoming one - And the psychology behind the predators that will blow your mind! If you’ve ever doubted your intuition or felt like you were being overly cautious, Paul is here to tell you, NOPE, you’re not crazy. You have evolved abilities that can save your life, and it’s time to trust that gut feeling! So grab a notepad because this episode is LOADED with life-saving insights that will empower you to live your life with confidence and security. Let’s dive in, homie! I’m Lisa Bilyeu and welcome to Women of Impact. SHOWNOTES [00:00] Targeting Victims: Killer Strategies [11:17] Sneaky Offender Moves [18:08] How Predators Exploit Vulnerability [27:15] Self-Defense Tips in Dangerous Encounters: Fight or Play Dead! [48:39] MO and Signature in Criminal Behavior [55:26] Murder: Was It Planned or Not? [01:04:19] Avoiding Victimhood Mindset CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Audible: Sign up for a free 30-day trial at https://audible.com/WOI Vital Proteins: Get 20% off by going to https://www.vitalproteins.com and entering promo code WOI at check out. Quince: Check out Quince: https://quince.com/woi Shopify: Sign up for your one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/lisa Follow Paul Holes: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paul.holes Podcasts: https://www.smalltowndicks.com/ & https://open.spotify.com/show/4k4K2WpZFxlTGoCzY40hJb Get your copy of “Unmasked”: https://a.co/d/4e2uQNx LISTEN TO WOMEN OF IMPACT AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/womenofimpact FOLLOW LISA: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisabilyeu/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisabilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/womenofimpact Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lisa_bilyeu?lang=en Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices