Building Discipline & High Performance | Ollie Marchon & Jenz Robinson | EP.05

Welcome back to the Without Limits Podcast. Today, we take a look at the secrets to building Discipline & High Performance. I sit down with my friend and business partner Jenz Robinson to answer questions surrounding beliefs and motivations in becoming the best version of ourselves. Jen'z is the co-founder of Gym Owners Network and PFCA and Director of Gyms at Marchon. In this weeks episode we share the wins that discipline and high performance allows for as well as the lessons and challenge's that also come along with it. I'm really excited to bring this one to life as these are topics we often get asked about. With that being said, here is How to Build Discipline & High Performance with Jenz Robinson.

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My name is Ollie Marchon ex-professional rugby player, entrepreneur and dream Chaser. On this podcast I sit down with inspirational people from the world of sports, entertainment and business. Diving into the stories and experiences that make them high performers. We look to see if we can adopt principles for motivation, exploration and empowerment and this is all designed to help you break free from the constraints, and live a life of your own without limits. Get ready to push your own boundaries, chase down those dreams, and redefine what you thought was possible.