All Your Questions... Answered | Ollie Marchon | EP.18

In this weeks episode I sat down with my make shift co-host (Sam) for a Q & A. I really enjoy the opportunity to answer questions when I’m able to give more context and detail in my answers. Particularly when it’s answering questions from you guys…. The people within this awesome community. This episode kicked off with some honest reflections around my performance as a father before covering the state of play for the MARCHON brand as well as the usual insights around training, nutrition and mindset. We also touched my thoughts around the good, the bad and the ugly within the fitness industry. As ever, I’ve tried to be as open and honest as possible and my answers are always coming from a place of good intention and genuine care for the loyal listeners. Please let me know how you find it by leaving a review or comment.

Om Podcasten

My name is Ollie Marchon ex-professional rugby player, entrepreneur and dream Chaser. On this podcast I sit down with inspirational people from the world of sports, entertainment and business. Diving into the stories and experiences that make them high performers. We look to see if we can adopt principles for motivation, exploration and empowerment and this is all designed to help you break free from the constraints, and live a life of your own without limits. Get ready to push your own boundaries, chase down those dreams, and redefine what you thought was possible.