Desire in the age of Consent, with Katherine Angel

In the era of #MeToo, it’s assumed that the empowered woman can and must express her desires clearly. But in ‘Tomorrow Sex Will be Good Again’, Katherine Angel argues that this an unreasonable burden to place upon women. She explains why to Niki Seth-Smith, as the two of them discuss questions such as: How do we make sex good again, while attending to power and violence? What's at risk in speaking out about sex? And how can we really research our innermost wants and desires? A discussion about sex and pleasure, feminism and consent. For readers of Susie Orbach, Vanessa Springora, Emilie Witt and Michel Foucault. Hosts: Niki Seth-Smith and Samira ShackleProducer: Alice BlochMusic: DanosongsPhoto: Matthew SperlingTo support what we do and access more fresh thinking, why not subscribe to New Humanist magazine? Head to and enter the code WITHREASON to get a whole year's subscription for just £13.50Further reading:'Tomorrow, Sex Will Be Good Again: Women And Desire In The Age of Consent' (2021) Katherine Angel'Unmastered: A Book on Desire, Most Difficult To Tell' (2012) Katherine Angel 'What do Women Want: Adventures in the Science of Female Desire' (2013) Daniel Bergner'The History of Sexuality: 1: The Will to Knowledge' (1976, 1978) Michel Foucault‘The Female Sexual Response: A Different Model’ (2000),  Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Rosemary Basson‘Reconceptualising women’s sexual desire and arousal in DSM-5’ (2015), Psychology & Sexuality,  Cynthia Graham'Untrue: why nearly everything we believe about women and lust and infidelity is untrue and how the new science can set us free', (2018) Wednesday Martin ‘Why I'm Glad My Daughter Had Under-age Sex’ (2004), New Humanist Magazine, Sally Feldman 

Om Podcasten

Intelligent thinking for turbulent times, from New Humanist magazine and the Rationalist Association. Interviews with writers, researchers and academics who speak to our age – on subjects including religion, belief, race, politics, sex, technology, science, work and more. Hosted by New Humanist editor Samira Shackle, deputy editor Niki Seth-Smith, and series producer Alice Bloch.