Comedy! Women! Print! Prize! (ft. Helen Lederer)
WIT LIT: the funny books podcast - A podcast by Lily Lindon
“Humour is that last precious thing that distinguishes you from someone else.” Actual comedian, author, and founder of the Comedy Women in Print Prize Helen Lederer talks about writing wit, and how to enter for the 2020 prize. Meanwhile we talk about how Helen will literally die if she laughs too much, how groups of women are funnier to groups of men, and Helen writes the first line of my comedy novel. — Find out more the CWIP Comedy Women in Print Prize here. There are unpublished and published novel categories, as well as a new graphic novel category. Entries for this year close on March 2, 2020. You should totally enter! Omg good luck! And if you have ideas for CWIP or loads of money to donate to its worthy witty cause, you can become a Friend of CWIP and fun stuff like that. Twits can follow Helen @HelenLederer the Comedy Women in Print Prize @CWIPprize — Please I’m begging you, get in touch if you have recommendations of funny books, quotes, or want to be a guest. You can contact me all formal on @witlitpod or @witlitpodcast, or all informal on twitter @lily_lindon & instagram @bookymcbookface. — Big love, Lily