Why Morocco 032 – Amino Belyamani on Moroccan Tapes
Why Morocco - A podcast by Mandy Sinclair

For this week’s episode I chatted with MoroccanTapes.com founder Amino Belyamani. Amino, who grew up in Casablanca and now lives in Brooklyn, created the site that brings Moroccan tapes of various musical genres, which are typically only available for purchase in Morocco and in regions where the musicians hail, to the world.
With music in his blood – both his father and brother are musicians – Amino is an accomplished musician himself having co-founded the band Dawn of Midi. He’s also is involved in Innov Gnawa, a group known for their traditional Moroccan trance emsemble and their track Bambro Koyo Ganda was nominated for a Grammy in 2018 in the best dance recording category.
Listen is as Amino talks about Moroccan Tapes and his plans for the site, what he thinks listeners should be listening to when it comes to the tapes already available and Moroccan music in general.
To listen or learn more, visit: https://moroccantapes.com/
For more Morocco ideas and advise, follow me on Instagram at @mandyinmorocco.
My other projects include:
- Tasting Marrakech food and cultural tours in Marrakech tasting-marrakech.com
- Travel and public relations consulting
- Freelance writing for print and digital mandyinmorocco.com/freelance-writing/