Guilt – The Greatness of Our Sin and Misery

White Horse Inn - A podcast by Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, Walter R. Strickland II

How does the law convict us? Does it shame us? Does it tell us our being is ontologically deficient? In this episode, Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb dive into the first section of the Heidelberg Catechism to examine a biblical view of guilt and sin.   CHECK OUT THIS MONTH’S OFFERS: Become a Partner to support the work of White Horse Inn as we apply the riches of the Reformation to the modern church. For more information, visit us at or email us at [email protected]. Featuring: Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Walter Strickland, and Bob Hiller.  

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