78: Stay The Course (Change)

“Change is the only constant in life.” Heraclitus said that back in 500 BCE. It was true then, and 2500 years later, it is still true.  That said, there are times in life when it feels like we are in a more intense period of change. As we release this episode, it is June of the year Two Thousand and Twenty AD. We’ve got a pandemic that is still very much happening, economic uncertainty, and the world is starting to look closely at systemic racism. Oh yeah, and a globally significant presidential election is happening in the USA.This episode we are exploring ‘Change’. What is change? How do we accept it? How do we fight it? And how can we as individuals make positive change for ourselves or the world.  This is our final episode before a mid-season summer break. We are working on a brand new newsletter this summer and have some special announcements coming before the fall. Please go to www.wheretheressmoke.co and sign up for our Mailing List, so you don’t miss a thing! Here is Rhett Power’s article, 10 Inspirational Podcasts That Will Make You Better: https://www.inc.com/rhett-power/10-inspirational-podcasts-that-will-make-you-better.html Find full show notes for this episode (with links to resources) at www.wheretheressmoke.co If you dig this episode, please share it with at least one person! And don’t forget to subscribe yourself, so you never miss a new episode in the feed. Want to support the show and help keep it going? Please check out Support WTS.com for our Patreon campaign.  To reach out to us or give the show a signal boost, find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. We are @exploreWTS on all three. You can also email us on [email protected]. * * *DOWNLOAD & LISTEN directly from Apple Podcasts: http://tinyurl.com/wts-itunes. If you dig the show, please take a moment to rate & review it on iTunesYou can also find us on PocketCasts, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and wherever else you listen to podcasts. Episodes are also available at www.wheretheressmoke.co. 

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Where There's Smoke explores self-development through the filter of current events, pop culture, and experience. We surf the zeitgeist through an array of audio clips, quotes, concepts, and conversations. In the spirit of The Daily Show and This American Life, we throw everything into an audio centrifuge that separates “what” from “why”. You walk away with insights and actionable solutions to improve your business, relationships, and almost any area of your life.