Discussion : Shanely Samboy : The United Nations

  Today in the Watchtower we welcome, Shanely Samboy. Shanely is a law student at APEC University in the Dominican Republic, where she’s also been participating in Model UN since her first year of high school. Shanely has also attended model UN conferences, such as the International Conference of the Americas and The New York Model United Nations Conference for Latin America and The Carribean. And aside from all those accomplishments, she also happens to like Young Justice. Twitter: https://twitter.com/shaneley002 And as always. Stay whelmed everyone!  

Om Podcasten

Join Rich and Caleb for an in-depth analysis of the Young Justice animated show. This podcast will dig into each episode in detail, discussing everything from Amazo to Zeta Beams. Beyond discussing the amazing story, the podcast will also feature special guests who share their love for the show and bonus episodes that focus on specific characters. Thanks for listening and stay whelmed.