Discussion : Noel and Kaitlin: Impulse, Blue Beetle, and Friendship

Whelmed : the Young Justice files - A podcast by Rich Howard and Caleb Gillombardo


Today in the Watchtower we welcome Kaitlin Fox and Noel Shiri. Kaitlin and Noel are co-hosts of the Dungeons & Dragons Actual Play podcast, Dames and Dragons. Kaitlin is the character artist for the show, as well as pursuing a BFA in Creative Writing. Noel is the music composer and editor of the show and owes a life-debt to Kaitlin, acting as servant and sidekick in all things, including guesting here with us. And even though Season 3 has been official announced, please continue to spread the word to friends and family about the series, #BuyYJcomicsonComixology to get us more stories even sooner, and get yourself up to speed for the S3 premiere. And as always. Stay whelmed everyone. damesanddragons.com dondontsplitthepodcastnetwork.com

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