Tech for Good with Marga Hoek

Welcome to the What's Next! Podcast with Tiffani Bova.    I’m eager to share my conversion with this week’s guest, Marga Hoek. Marga is a rare combination. She’s a true visionary on sustainable business, capital and technology, and a successful business leader. As a three-time CEO, board member, chair and founder of Business for Good, she applies her vision on how businesses can be a true force for good in practice. She's also a bestselling and multi-award-winning author of Trillion Dollar Shift and now her latest book, Tech for Good. She continues to champion a phrase she coined: “Business for good is good business.”    THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… leaders who want to utilize technology for societal impact.   TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… business growth and societal impact are not an either/or decision. In this episode, Marga highlights how embracing technology allows leaders to address global challenges while driving business growth.   WHAT I LOVE MOST… Marga cites the statistic that 69 of the 100 largest economies by revenue are businesses, not countries. This is a wake-up call to business leaders who have the power to drive change to create a better future.    Running Time: 26:42   Subscribe on iTunes   Find Tiffani Online: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn   Find Marga Online: Website  LinkedIn  Twitter    Marga’s Book:  Tech For Good: Imagine Solving the World’s Greatest Challenges

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the What’s Next! Podcast. I’ve met so many brilliant people as I traveled the globe and have had some fascinating conversations that I’ve wished had been recorded so I could share them with you - this podcast was a way for me to recreate those moments and let you in on some fantastic insights. My current conversations center around one objective: what's next for companies and individuals as they look to innovate and grow. I hope these conversations inspire you as much as they have inspired me. Whether I am preparing for a keynote speech or writing for publications such as Harvard Business Review and Huffington Post, these are my go-to people. My goal with the What’s Next! podcast is to keep you thinking and to challenge you to think about What’s Next!