A Masterclass on Asking Questions with Jeff Wetzler

Welcome to the What's Next! Podcast with Tiffani Bova.    I'm thrilled to welcome Jeff Wetzler to the show today. He is Co-CEO of Transcend, where he combines unique leadership experiences spanning more than 25 years in business and education as a management consultant to the world's top corporations. He’s also a learning facilitator for leaders around the world and the Chief Learning Officer at teach for America. Jeff is a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network and is an Edmund Hillary Fellow. And he’s the author of a new book called Ask.   THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… anyone who wants to learn how to ask the types of questions that will tap into the thoughts and insights of the people around them.    TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… each of us is surrounded by people in our lives - customers, investors, colleagues, managers, people we manage, friends - who are filled with ideas, perspectives, insights, and feedback that could be incredibly helpful to us. But too often, we never uncover these things because we don’t ask questions.    Key takeaways: The key barriers to asking questions Understanding what makes a clumsy question and what makes a quality question Jeff’s five-step Ask Approach The most high-leverage thing you can do as a listener How leaders can implement this into the culture of an organization WHAT I LOVE MOST… creating safety for a question asker. Question-asking is a muscle that needs to be built and for someone learning the skill, voicing those first few questions can be an uncomfortable or nervous experience. Jeff encourages everybody, especially leaders, to be considerate in how they answer questions so they can encourage more questions.    Running Time: 26:47   Subscribe on iTunes   Find Tiffani Online: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn   Find Jeff Online: Website  LinkedIn    Jeff’s Book:  Ask: Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs In Leadership and Life  

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the What’s Next! Podcast. I’ve met so many brilliant people as I traveled the globe and have had some fascinating conversations that I’ve wished had been recorded so I could share them with you - this podcast was a way for me to recreate those moments and let you in on some fantastic insights. My current conversations center around one objective: what's next for companies and individuals as they look to innovate and grow. I hope these conversations inspire you as much as they have inspired me. Whether I am preparing for a keynote speech or writing for publications such as Harvard Business Review and Huffington Post, these are my go-to people. My goal with the What’s Next! podcast is to keep you thinking and to challenge you to think about What’s Next!