Episode 66 - Jonathan Bécotte & Jonathan Kaplansky - Author & Translator of "Like A Hurricane" or "Comme un ouragan"

Literacy Québec director Margo Legault interviews award-winning author Jonathan Bécotte and accomplished translator Jonathan Kaplansky and talks about one of M. Bécotte's recent books; "Like a Hurricane" (Comme un ouragan), its significance as a resource for youth struggling with discovering, accepting, and being their true selves, as well as the importance and deep understanding required to ensure once translated, that no meaning is lost. Listeners are encouraged to reach out to either gentleman as well as seek out their other works. Socials: https://www.facebook.com/jonathanbecotteauteur https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.kaplansky Starred review: https://quillandquire.com/review/like-a-hurricane/Link for the book: https://www.orcabook.com/Like-a-Hurricane More on Literacy Quebec: Have questions or need help? Contact ⁠⁠Literacy Quebec's Literacy Helpline⁠⁠ or call 1-888-521-8181 Jump onto ⁠⁠www.literacyquebec.org⁠⁠ for events and to find what literacy services our members can offer you or someone you know. What's Literacy? is a podcast for English-speaking listeners and learners interested in everything and anything to do with literacy in Quebec and beyond. Our hosts, Niamh Devaney and Jeff Taylor from⁠⁠ Literacy Quebec⁠⁠ explore community building, lifelong learning, and multiple types of literacy through their interviews with a range of special guests. Subscribe, share our podcast, and write to us at [email protected], call us at 514-508-6805. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @LiteracyQuebec Special thanks: Podcast ⁠⁠Theme Music ‘No Math’ by Cú: Jaan Eerik Priks & Brian Francis Devaney

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Welcome to What's Literacy? by Literacy Quebec, a community-based podcast for English-speaking, lifelong literacy learners in Quebec. Our host Jessica Leahy from Literacy Quebec explores topics around community building, lifelong curiosity, and the multiple types of literacy. It's incredible what we can learn from each other!